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Beleive or Believe: a Spelling Lesson!

Are beleive, beleiver, and beleived the correct spelling, or is it believe, believer, and believed? Here’s a fun lesson about how to remember one of the most frequently misspelled words in English: the one that means to have faith in something.

As background, my name is Ms. Marshall and I’ve been an English teacher for nearly twenty years. I illustrate each and every drawing on this site by hand, with love — including “Grateful vs. Greatful!” On to today’s teaching…

Beleive or believe…


The good news in this entry into our hard words to spell list is that there is a simple answer. In the beleive vs. believe quandary, “beleive” (with “ei” in the middle) doesn’t exist, and should not be used.

The other variants like beleives, beleiving, beleiver, beleived, and beleiving are simply wrong. The same goes for using this erroneous spelling in phrases like: “Make beleive,” “I beleive I can fly,” and “I can’t beleive my eyes!”They are all misspellings like truely, and should be tossed in the trash, never to be seen again.

How to Remember the Correct Spelling

The good news is that in this case, the classic rhyme, “i before e except after c” holds true, just as it did for our “recieve vs. receive” lesson, and as we saw in the recent tutorial on “peice vs. piece.” However, this cartoon shows another way to remember the letter order…

Beleive or believe
How to spell believe: a fun trick.

Eve the Spelling Assistant

Yes that’s right: Remembering this cartoon lady Eve saying “I am Eve” can help, because it reminds us that there’s a letter “i” directly in the middle of the word, and the letters “eve” at the end. A similar visual helped us distinguish “Lens or Lense.”

VIDEO: How to Spell Believe
See a time-lapse video of my drawing process.

Beleive or Believe, in Sum

I hope this lesson on remembering how to correctly spell believe (not beleive) has been entertaining and useful. What else would you like me to illustrate and explain besides “Flies or Flys?” Do share!

Want more? Check out my “Aquire vs. Acquire” lesson…