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Weather Coloring Pages: Free Printable Sheets

Ready for a windy, rainy, and exciting addition to our cute coloring pages? Strap on your rainboots and grab your crayons, markers, or colored pencils, because it’s time for weather coloring pages: free printable sheets for kids — and maybe adults, too!

As background, I’m an artist and teacher named Ms. Marshall who adores creating cute drawings from scratch. I hand-draw each and every illustration on this site, with love. Ready for the printables? Let’s go!

Weather Coloring Pages

Weather coloring pages
Free printables of weather coloring pages!

Storm Cloud, Wind, and Umbrella

To jump right to the free printable download of these sheets, keep scrolling down until you get to a blue button that says “Click Here to Download” (just like with our food coloring pages.) These weather coloring sheets consist of two pages at this time, with a total of five illustrations — and I’ll be adding more soon.

First off we have a grinning storm cloud, pouring out rain. It sits atop a cute umbrella drawing. To the right are two versions of a wind drawing — one of which is a human personification of what I imagine it might look like… gleefully shouting into the gale with a blowing dress! (For more fashion illustrations, browse on over to my dress coloring pages.)

Printable weather coloring sheets.
Printable weather coloring sheets.

On the second page, we have the big, jolly cloud drawing, pictured above. See? Not all clouds are angry! According to my research in the UCAR Center for Science Education, that illustration above depicts a fluffy cumulous friend, which is present during sunny days with azure color skies.

A Note About Spelling

In addition to being an artist, I’m also an English teacher, so I cannot resist doing a quick language lesson. In the “weather vs. whether” homophones question, we are using the “wea” spelling here, because that is the one referring to the atmospheric situation: rain, wind, sun, and so on.

Weather Coloring Pages, in Sum

I hope these free printable weather coloring sheets bring many smiles during a relaxing art activity. (Just remember not to spell it “whether” or “weither!”) What other elements would you like me to add for new pages? Do share!

Want more creative activities for kids and beyond? Check out my fantasy coloring pages