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Aloud vs. Allowed: Correct Spelling and Meaning of These Homophones

It’s time for another installment of the homophones game! Ah yes: two more words that sound exactly the same when spoken, but are spelled differently, and have different meanings. The pair we have before us today? Aloud vs. allowed!

Their meanings are completely different, and they are not even the same parts of speech. Let’s dive into how not to mix them up.

“Aloud” Definition and Meaning

The word “aloud” is an adverb that means to do something in a way that can be heard — in other words, synonyms for “aloud” are: “out loud” and “audibly.” Ahah — this gives us a clue for how to remember its spelling!

Aloud or allowed
Aloud and allowed in a sentence!

Using and Spelling “Aloud” Correctly

The meaning of “aloud” gives huge help about its spelling. Because we know it means “out loud,” that matches with the spelling, “a-LOUD.” Here are some example sentences using it correctly:

  • Hey, can you please read that article aloud so I can listen while I wash the pears?
  • She gasped aloud upon entering the room — someone had taken all her furniture apart, and the pieces were strewn around the floor!
  • “I’m just thinking aloud here, but wouldn’t it make more sense to buy a hat that’s too loose than too tight? I wouldn’t want your hair to get squished.”
Allowed vs Aloud
Allowed vs. Aloud: Tricks to remember the difference.

“Allowed” Definition and Spelling

Now that we understand that “aloud” means “out loud,” let’s turn to “allowed” — a word which is actually used far more frequently. “Allowed” can be either an adjective or a past-tense verb that means “permitted” or “let to do.” Other synonyms for “allowed” include: “authorized,” “let,” or “granted.” Less often, “allowed” is used to mean “agreed with an idea,” but usually it’s used around permitting actions.

Using and Spelling “Allowed” Correctly

Just like with “aloud,” knowing the definition of “allowed” gives major help with spelling it correctly. Since “to allow” means “to permit” or “to let something happen,” the spelling of “allowed” is “ALLOW-ed.” Here are some sentences using it correctly:

  • “You are not allowed to eat dinner rolls in bed! Get back to the dinner table right now. I am in awe of how many places you manage to leave crumbs.”
  • She knew she wasn’t allowed to climb the mountain peak after dark, but whether or not she had permission, she wasn’t going to let that stop her from achieving her hiking dream.

Aloud vs. Allowed in Sum

As homophones go, aloud vs. allowed is more straightforward than most! Just remember, it’s not allowed to type “That’s not aloud” unless you awkwardly mean that someone is being silent, and it’s incorrect to write “She said it allowed” because what’s probably meant there is: “She said it aloud,” meaning “out loud.” I hope this has been helpful, and eagerly await your next requests for English lessons!

Want a fun next article to read? Check out my piece about the “And Symbol” and the frequently confused phrases, “Flush Out or Flesh Out.”