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Symbol Art: Drawings of Beautiful Signs

After the wild success of my article and illustrations about the “and symbol” ampersand, I got to thinking: What other wonderful symbol art is possible? Which everyday or obscure signs can be made into beautiful drawings with some creativity?

My name is Ms. Marshall and I’m an artist, teacher, and Reiki practitioner, so upon reflection, I use symbols all the time! From Reiki symbols to editing signs on student papers, these quick notations are everywhere.

Symbol art
Symbol art is beautiful.

Drawing Signs For Communication

What’s fascinating is that symbols have been around for far longer than writing. As this Smithsonian article points out, humans have used signs to communicate for more than 8,000 years!

Let’s now dive into my growing list of illustrations of signs that communicate ideas in English, math, mediation, and so much more. If you have a suggestion for other ideas for me to draw (like the recent suggestion for Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in Reiki), just let me know.

Symbol Art

Signs have been used by humans to communicate for thousands of years, so let's do some fun symbol art to celebrate how beautiful they are, as well as useful...

Symbol Art Requests

I hope you enjoyed that list! Remember, I have a whole shopping wing of my site which provides printables, posters, clothing, mugs, and more to order, and I can add products within minutes.

This means that if there’s a symbol you would like me to add to the inventory for purchase, just request it in the comments below. Remember that many of these signs can be drawn in a variety of ways and still be correct (while others like the Pi symbol are more standardized), so it’s useful to note which you like the best.

Symbol Art, in Sum

I look forward to continuing on this journey of symbol art for many years to come, exploring new signs that I haven’t yet set my pen to in creative drawings. I can’t wait to hear your requests!

Want more? Check out the vibrant Cho Ku Rei Power Symbol in energy work.